Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683398
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.2.8. compile

The compile element of the board_spec.xml file and its associated attributes and parameters describe the general control of Intel® Quartus® Prime compilation, registration, and automigration.

Example XML code:

<compile project="top" revision="top" qsys_file="none" generic_kernel="1">
    <generate cmd="echo"/>
    <synthesize cmd="quartus_sh -t import_compile.tcl"/>
    <auto_migrate platform_type="s5_net" >
        <include fixes=""/>
        <exclude fixes=""/>
Attribute Description
project Name of the Intel® Quartus® Prime project file (.qpf) that the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software intends to compile.
revision Name of the revision within the Intel® Quartus® Prime project that the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software compiles to generate the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Offline Compiler executable file (.aocx).
qsys_file Name of the Platform Designer (Standard) file into which the OpenCL™ kernel is embedded.

You have the option to assign a value of "none" to qsys_file if you do not require the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software to create a top-level .qsys file for your design.

generic_kernel Set this value to 1 if you want the offline compiler to generate a common Verilog interface for all OpenCL compilations. This setting is necessary in situations where you must set up Intel® Quartus® Prime design partitions around the kernel, such as in the Configuration via Protocol (CvP) flow.
generate_cmd Command required to prepare for full compilation, such as to generate the Verilog files for the Platform Designer (Standard) system into which the OpenCL kernel is embedded.
synthesize_cmd Command required to generate the fpga.bin file from the Custom Platform. Usually, this command instructs the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software to perform a full compilation.
  • platform_type—Choose this value based on the value referenced in the Intel® FPGA Reference Platform from which you derive your Custom Platform. Valid values are none, s5_net, c5soc.
  • include fixes—Comma-separated list of named fixes that you want to apply to the Custom Platform.
  • exclude fixes—Comma-separated list of named fixes that you do not want to apply to the Custom Platform.