Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683398
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.3.12. aocl_mmd_shared_mem_free

The aocl_mmd_shared_mem_free function frees allocated shared memory. This function does nothing if shared memory is not available.


void aocl_mmd_shared_mem_free( int handle,
                               void* host_ptr,
                               size_t size );

Function Arguments

  1. handle—A positive int value representing the handle to the board obtained from the aocl_mmd_open() call.

  2. host_ptr—The host pointer that points to the shared memory, as returned by the aocl_mmd_shared_mem_alloc() function.

  3. size—The size of the allocated shared memory that the function frees. Declare size with the type size_t.

Return Value

The aocl_mmd_shared_mem_free function has no return value.