Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683398
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.3.1. aocl_mmd_get_offline_info

The aocl_mmd_get_offline_info function obtains offline information about the board specified in the requested_info_id argument. This function is offline because it is device-independent and does not require a handle from the aocl_mmd_open() call.


int aocl_mmd_get_offline_info( aocl_mmd_offline_info_t requested_info_id,
                               size_t param_value_size,
                               void* param_value,
                               size_t* param_size_ret )

Function Arguments

  1. requested_info_id—An enum value of type aocl_mmd_offline_info_t that indicates the offline device information returning to the caller.
    Table 17.  Possible Enum Values for the requested_info_id Argument
    Name Description Type
    AOCL_MMD_VERSION Version of MMD layer char*
    AOCL_MMD_NUM_BOARDS Number of candidate boards int
    AOCL_MMD_BOARD_NAMES Names of available boards
    Attention: Separate each board name by a semicolon (;) delimiter.
    AOCL_MMD_VENDOR_NAME Name of board vendor char*
    AOCL_MMD_VENDOR_ID An integer board vendor ID int
    AOCL_MMD_USES_YIELD A value of 0 instructs the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition host runtime to suspend user's processes. The host runtime resumes these processes after it receives an event update (for example, an interrupt) from the MMD layer .

    A value of 1 instructs the SDK's host runtime to continuously call the aocl_mmd_yield function while it waits for events to complete.

    Setting AOCL_MMD_USES_YIELD to 1 might cause high CPU utilization if the aocl_mmd_yield function does not suspend the current thread.
    AOCL_MMD_MEM_TYPES_SUPPORTED A bit field listing all memory types that the Custom Platform supports. You may combine the following enum values in this bit field:

    AOCL_MMD_PHYSICAL_MEMORY—Custom Platform includes IP to communicate directly with physical memory (for example, DDR and QDR).

    AOCL_MMD_SVM_COARSE_GRAIN_BUFFER—Custom Platform supports both the caching of shared virtual memory (SVM) pointer data for OpenCL cl_mem objects and the requirement of explicit user function calls to synchronize the cache between the host processor and the FPGA.

    Note: Currently, Intel® does not support this level of SVM except for a subset of AOCL_MMD_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_SYSTEM support.

    AOCL_MMD_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER—Custom Platform supports caching of SVM pointer data for individual bytes. To synchronize the cache between the host processor and the FPGA, the Custom Platform requires information from the host runtime collected during pointer allocation. After an SVM pointer receives this additional data, the board interface synchronizes the cache between the host processor and the FPGA automatically.

    Note: Currently, Intel® does not support this level of SVM except for a subset of AOCL_MMD_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_SYSTEM support.

    AOCL_MMD_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_SYSTEM—Custom Platform supports caching of SVM pointer data for individual bytes and it does not require additional information from the host runtime to synchronize the cache between the host processor and the FPGA. The board interface synchronizes the cache between the host processor and the FPGA automatically for all SVM pointers.

    Attention: Intel® 's support for this level of SVM is preliminary. Some features might not be fully supported.
    int (bit field)

  2. param_value_size—Size of the param_value field in bytes. This size_t value should match the size of the expected return type that the enum definition indicates.

    For example, if AOCL_MMD_NUM_BOARDS returns a value of type int, set the param_value_size to sizeof (int). You should see the same number of bytes returned in the param_size_ret argument.

  3. param_value—A void* pointer to the variable that receives the returned information.

  4. param_size_ret—A pointer argument of type size_t* that receives the number of bytes of returned data.

Return Value

A negative return value indicates an error.