Power-on Configuration Intermittent Configuration Failures
Your device may encounter intermittent configuration failures if it is not programmed with at least 256 kB of configuration data within 18 seconds after completion of the power up sequence. This erratum does not apply to FPGA reconfiguration, provided a successful configuration was completed after the power up sequence. If the nSTATUS pin remains low for 110 ms after toggling the nCONFIG pin from low to high, it may indicate you have encountered this issue. To confirm, toggle nCONFIG again and if the nSTATUS pin remains low for another 10 ms, then you have confirmed the failure.
Note: Configuration via Protocol (CvP) that uses an open or closed PCIe system must also adhere to the above requirements for successful configuration.
Hardware workaround: Use a MOSFET as a switch to briefly toggle the VCCIO_SDM voltage level when the host is ready to configure the FPGA using an arrangement as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1. Hardware Workaround
Software workaround: Configure your FPGA with a dummy design within 18 seconds of the power up sequence completion. When the system is ready to configure, then reconfigure with the full design. Note the following considerations regarding the software workaround:
- For Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition versions prior to 18.0:
- You must use the same version of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition to create the first programmed bitstream and any subsequent programmed bitstreams.
- For Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version 18.0:
- You can ensure compatibility of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version 18.0 with future versions of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition by installing patch 0.13 for Microsoft* Windows* 10 or patch 0.13 for Linux* . To install patch 0.13, you must have Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version 18.0 installed. For more information, refer to the associated Knowledge Base entry.
- For Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition versions after 18.0:
- You can create subsequent configuration files with any Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version later than 18.0.
- Intel® Stratix® 10 GX 2800 L-Tile devices
- Intel® Stratix® 10 GX 2500 L-Tile devices
Status: If you are using an Intel® Stratix® 10 GX 2800 or 2500 L-Tile device and a fix is required, move to the Intel® Stratix® 10 SX 2800/2500 L-Tile device, which is drop-in compatible.