1.2. Installing the SDM Command Tool in System Console
The SDM command tool consists of two Tcl scripts located in the Download Tcl Scripts (.zip) folder:
- sdm_command.tcl: Contains all example functions
- mailbox_data.tcl: SDM Command Tool extension. This script contains the error codes definition and MSEL settings.
The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software uses system console to execute the SDM command tool.
- Use one of the below methods to launch the System Console:
- In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, click .
- In the Nios® II command shell Windows OS or Terminal in Linux OS, execute system-console command.
- In the Quartus Standalone Programmer (if installed without the Quartus software), launch System Console by executing:
- system_console.exe in the <programmer_path>\syscon\bin folder using the Windows OS.
- system-console in the <programmer_path>\syscon\bin folder using the Linux OS.
- In the System Console window, change the working directory to the location of the saved sdm_command.tcl and mailbox_data.tcl scripts.
- Source the SDM command tool using the following command:
% source sdm_command.tcl