Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 11/03/2021

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1.5. Incremental Optimization Flow

The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software supports incremental optimization at each stage of design compilation. In incremental optimization, you run and optimize each compilation stage independently before running the next compilation module in sequence. The Compiler preserves the results of each stage as a snapshot for analysis. When you make changes to your design or constraints, the Compiler only runs stages impacted by the change. Following synthesis or any Fitter stage, you can view results and perform timing analysis; modify design RTL or Compiler settings as needed; and then re-run synthesis or the Fitter and evaluate the results of these changes. Repeat this process until the module performance meets requirements. This flow maximizes the results at each stage without waiting for full compilation results.
Figure 16. Incremental Optimization Flow
Table 10.  Incremental Optimization at Fitter Stages
Fitter Stage Incremental Optimization
Plan After this stage, you can run post-Plan timing analysis to verify timing constraints, and validate cross-clock timing windows. View the placement and properties of the periphery (I/O).
Place After this stage, validate resource and logic utilization in the Compilation Reports, and review placement of design elements in the Chip Planner.
Route After this stage, perform detailed setup and hold timing closure in the Timing Analyzer, and view routing congestion in the Chip Planner.
Retime After this stage, review the Retiming results in the Fitter report and correct any restrictions limiting further retiming optimization.
Note: The Compiler saves the planned, placed, routed, and retimed snapshots during full compilation only if you turn on Enable Intermediate Fitter Snapshots (Assignments > Settings > Compiler Settings). You can also run any intermediate Fitter stage independently to generate the snapshot for that stage.