Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683230
Date 11/12/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.8.1. State Diagram View

The state diagram view appears at the top of the State Machine Viewer. It contains a diagram of the states and state transitions.

The nodes that represent each state are arranged horizontally in the state diagram view with the initial state (the state node that receives the reset signal) in the left‑most position. Nodes that connect to logic outside of the state machine instance are represented by a double circle. The state transition is represented by an arc with an arrow pointing in the direction of the transition.

When you select a node in the state diagram view, and turn on the Highlight Fan-in or Highlight Fan-out command from the View menu or the State Machine Viewer toolbar, the respective fan-in or fan-out transitions from the node are highlighted in red.

Note: An encrypted block with a state machine displays encoding information in the state encoding table, but does not display a state transition diagram or table.