Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1411077239653
1. Nios® II Embedded Design Suite Release Notes
These release notes cover versions 13.1 through 15.0 of the Intel® Nios® II Embedded Design Suite (EDS). These release notes describe the revision history for the Nios® II EDS.
For the most recent list of errata for the Intel® Nios® II EDS, search the Knowledge Base under Support on the Intel website. You can use the Knowledge Base to search for errata based on the product version affected and other criteria.
Section Content
Product Revision History
Nios II EDS v15.0 Updates
Nios II EDS v14.1 Updates
Nios II EDS v14.0 Updates
Nios II EDS v13.1 Updates
Known Issues and Errata
Related Information