Intel Stratix 10 SoC UEFI Boot Loader User Guide

ID 683134
Date 6/19/2020

3.3.4. Compiling the UEFI Source Code with the Linaro Tool Chain

This section explains how to compile the UEFI source code with the Linaro toolchain in a Linux system:

  1. Open a terminal and enter the following command:
    $ cd <your directory that contain edk2 and edk2-platforms>
    $ export PATH=<your gcc directory>/\
    $ export CROSS_COMPILE= aarch64-linux-gnu-
    $ export ARCH=arm64
    $ export GCC48_AARCH64_PREFIX=aarch64-linux-gnu-
  2. Set up the EDK_TOOLS_PATH:
    $ export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=$PWD/edk2/BaseTools
  3. Set up the a PACKAGES_PATH to point to the location of the repositories:
    $ export PACKAGES_PATH= $PWD/edk2:$PWD/edk2-platforms/
  4. Set up the WORKSPACE:
    $ export WORKSPACE = $PWD
  5. Set up the build environment:
    $ . edk2/
  6. Build BaseTools (ensure the python tools are installed):
    $ make -C edk2/BaseTools
  7. Compile the UEFI bootloader by entering the following command:
    $ build -a AARCH64 -p Platform/Intel/Stratix10/Stratix10SoCPkg.dsc -t GCC48 -b DEBUG -y report.log -j build.log -Y PCD -Y LIBRARY -Y FLASH -Y DEPEX -Y BUILD_FLAGS -Y FIXED_ADDRESS
  8. Your terminal displays a "Build Done" message after the UEFI is successfully compiled.