Accelerator Functional Unit Developer’s Guide for Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card

ID 683129
Date 7/20/2020
Document Table of Contents Connect to the AFU Target

Follow these steps on the debug target host with the PAC installed:

  1. If not already done, load the Signal Tap-enabled AFU.
    sudo fpgaconf $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/nlb_mode_0_stp/bin/nlb_mode_0_stp.gbs
  2. Open a TCP port to accept incoming connection requests from remote debug hosts.
    sudo mmlink -P 3333 -B <Bus number>

Follow these steps on the remote debug host:

  1. Use System Console to connect to the debug target host’s TCP port for Signal Tap debug connection on the target AFU. If the remote debug host is a Windows platform, open a command shell to run the below commands.
    cd <path-to-debug-working-directory>
    system-console --rc_script=mmlink_setup_profiled.tcl 
    remote_debug.sof <IP-address-of-debug-target-host> 3333 
    The above command assumes your PATH environment variable on the remote debug host is setup to point to the following location in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition installation:
    where <q-edition> is "quartus" for Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition or Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition. For an Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer Edition installation, <q-edition> is qprogrammer.
  2. After issuing the above commands, the System Console window appears. Wait for the “Remote system ready” message in the Tcl Console pane.