Visible to Intel only — GUID: flo1540992579932
1. About the 5G LDPC Intel® FPGA IP
2. Getting Started with the Intel® FPGA IP
3. Designing with the 5G LDPC Intel® FPGA IP
4. 5G LDPC Intel® FPGA IP Functional Description
5. Parameter Optimization for the 5G LDPC IP
6. 5G LDPC IP User Guide Document Archive
7. Document Revision History for the 5G LDPC Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Visible to Intel only — GUID: flo1540992579932
3.1. Generating a 5G LDPC Intel® FPGA IP
To include the IP in a design, generate the IP in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software. Or optionally, you can generate a design example that includes the generated 5G LDPC IP, a C++ model, a MATLAB model, simulation scripts, and test data.
- Create a New Intel® Quartus® Prime project
- Open IP Catalog.
- Select DSP > Error Detection and Correction > 5G LDPC Intel® FPGA IP and click Add
- Enter a name for your IP variant and click Create.
Figure 3. IP Variant File NameThe name is for both the top-level RTL module and the corresponding .ip file.The parameter editor for this IP appears.
- Choose your parameters.
You can choose Encoder or Decoder and select decoder parameters.Figure 4. 5G LDPC Parameter Editor
- For an optional design example, click Generate Example Design.
The software creates files for MATLAB, C, or RTL simulations in the target directory. The software does not generate a hardware example.Figure 5. Design Example Directory Structure
- Click Generate HDL.
Intel® Quartus® Prime generates the RTL and the files necessary to instantiate the IP in your design and synthesize it.
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