Visible to Intel only — GUID: jbr1428598909282
1.1. IP Catalog and Parameter Editor
1.2. Installing and Licensing Intel® FPGA IP Cores
1.3. Best Practices for Intel® FPGA IP
1.4. IP General Settings
1.5. Specifying the IP Core Parameters and Options ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
1.6. Generating IP Cores ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
1.7. Modifying an IP Variation
1.8. Upgrading IP Cores
1.9. Simulating Intel® FPGA IP Cores
1.10. Synthesizing IP Cores in Other EDA Tools
1.11. Support for the IEEE 1735 Encryption Standard
1.12. Introduction to Intel® FPGA IP Cores Archives
1.13. Introduction to Intel® FPGA IP Cores Revision History Sourcing Aldec ActiveHDL* or Riviera Pro* Simulator Setup Scripts Sourcing Cadence Incisive* Simulator Setup Scripts Sourcing Cadence Xcelium* Simulator Setup Scripts Sourcing ModelSim* or QuestaSim Simulator Setup Scripts Sourcing Synopsys VCS* Simulator Setup Scripts Sourcing Synopsys VCS* MX Simulator Setup Scripts
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jbr1428598909282
1.8.1. Upgrading IP Cores at Command-Line
Optionally, upgrade an Intel® FPGA IP core at the command-line, rather than using the GUI. IP cores that do not support automatic upgrade do not support command-line upgrade.
- To upgrade a single IP core at the command-line, type the following command:
quartus_sh –ip_upgrade –variation_files <my_ip>.<qsys,.v, .vhd> \ <quartus_project> Example: quartus_sh -ip_upgrade -variation_files mega/pll25.qsys hps_testx
- To simultaneously upgrade multiple IP cores at the command-line, type the following command:
quartus_sh –ip_upgrade –variation_files “<my_ip1>.<qsys,.v, .vhd>> \ ; <my_ip_filepath/my_ip2>.<hdl>” <quartus_project> Example: quartus_sh -ip_upgrade -variation_files "mega/pll_tx2.qsys;mega/pll3.qsys" hps_testx