Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Use Separate CRC Blocks Instead of Cascaded Stages

Some designs optimize CRC to use cascaded stages (for example, four stages of 8 bits). In such designs, Quartus® Prime synthesis uses intermediate calculations (such as the calculations after 8, 24, or 32 bits) depending on the data width.

This design is not optimal for FPGA devices. The XOR cancellations that Quartus® Prime synthesis performs in CRC designs mean that the function does not require all the intermediate calculations to determine the final result. Therefore, forcing the use of intermediate calculations increases the area required to implement the function, as well as increasing the logic depth because of the cascading. It is typically better to create full separate CRC blocks for each data width that you require in the design, and then multiplex them together to choose the appropriate mode at a given time