Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.1.1. Inserting HDL Code from a Provided Template

  1. Click File > New.
  2. In the New dialog box, select the HDL language for the design files: SystemVerilog HDL File, VHDL File, or Verilog HDL File; and click OK.
    A text editor tab with a blank file opens.
  3. Right-click the blank file and click Insert Template.
  4. In the Insert Template dialog box, expand the section corresponding to the appropriate HDL, then expand the Full Designs section.
  5. Select a template.
    The template now appears in the Preview pane.
  6. To paste the HDL design into the blank Verilog or VHDL file you created, click Insert.
  7. Click Close to close the Insert Template dialog box.
Figure 1. Inserting a RAM Template
Note: Use the Quartus® Prime Text Editor to modify the HDL design or save the template as an HDL file to edit in your preferred text editor.