Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 8/03/2023

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Document Table of Contents Changing the Default Number of Violations per Rule

The default number of violations per rule is set to 5000 to limit runtime that rule processing incurs. The default limit is set to 5000 to help ensure that every violation is presented in all but the most exceptional cases. In typical designs, most rule violations do not approach this limit.

You can change the default number of violations that Design Assistant reports per rule, to show more or less violations per rule. Specify the following assignment in the project .qsf to change the default number of violations per rule:

set_global_assignment -name DESIGN_ASSISTANT_MAX_VIOLATIONS_PER_RULE <number>

To specify no limit on the number of violations per rule, at the possible expense of increased runtimes, enter -1 for the <number> of the DESIGN_ASSISTANT_MAX_VIOLATIONS_PER_RULE assignment.

Change the default number of violations for individual rules in the Design Assistant Settings page, as Setting Up Design Assistant describes.