Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-EFB6F5C0-74D4-4521-858F-053EEF898C3A
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-EFB6F5C0-74D4-4521-858F-053EEF898C3A
Decision Forest Classification and Regression (DF)
Decision Forest (DF) classification and regression algorithms are based on an ensemble of tree-structured classifiers, which are known as decision trees. Decision forest is built using the general technique of bagging, a bootstrap aggregation, and a random choice of features. For more details, see [Breiman84] and [Breiman2001].
Operation |
Computational methods |
Programming Interface |
Mathematical formulation
Refer to Developer Guide: Decision Forest Classification and Regression.
Programming Interface
All types and functions in this section are declared in the oneapi::dal::decision_forest namespace and are available via inclusion of the oneapi/dal/algo/decision_forest.hpp header file.
Enum classes
- error_metric_mode::none
Do not compute error metric.
- error_metric_mode::out_of_bag_error
Train produces table with cumulative prediction error for out of bag observations.
- error_metric_mode::out_of_bag_error_per_observation
Train produces table with prediction error for out-of-bag observations.
- variable_importance_mode::none
Do not compute variable importance.
- variable_importance_mode::mdi
Mean Decrease Impurity. Computed as the sum of weighted impurity decreases for all nodes where the variable is used, averaged over all trees in the forest.
- variable_importance_mode::mda_raw
Mean Decrease Accuracy (permutation importance). For each tree, the prediction error on the out-of-bag portion of the data is computed (error rate for classification, MSE for regression). The same is done after permuting each predictor variable. The difference between the two are then averaged over all trees.
- variable_importance_mode::mda_scaled
Mean Decrease Accuracy (permutation importance). This is MDA_Raw value scaled by its standard deviation.
- infer_mode::class_labels
Infer produces a “math:n times 1 table with the predicted labels.
- infer_mode::class_responses
- infer_mode::class_probabilities
Infer produces table with the predicted class probabilities for each observation.
- voting_mode::weighted
The final prediction is combined through a weighted majority voting.
- voting_mode::unweighted
The final prediction is combined through a simple majority voting.
- Template Parameters
Float – The floating-point type that the algorithm uses for intermediate computations. Can be float or double.
Method – Tag-type that specifies an implementation of algorithm. Can be method::dense or method::hist.
Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::regression.
Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.
The error metric mode. Default value: error_metric_mode::none.
- Getter & Setter
error_metric_mode get_error_metric_mode() const
auto & set_error_metric_mode(error_metric_mode value)
The maximal number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features. Used with method::hist split-finding method only. Increasing the number results in higher computation costs. Default value: 256.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_max_bins() const
auto & set_max_bins(std::int64_t value)
- Invariants
max_bins > 1
The maximal depth of the tree. If 0, then nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less or equal to min observations in leaf node samples. Default value: 0.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_max_tree_depth() const
auto & set_max_tree_depth(std::int64_t value)
Seed for the random numbers generator used by the algorithm.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_seed() const
auto & set_seed(std::int64_t value)
- Invariants
tree_count > 0
The impurity threshold, a node will be split if this split induces a decrease of the impurity greater than or equal to the input value. Default value: 0.0.
- Getter & Setter
double get_impurity_threshold() const
auto & set_impurity_threshold(double value)
- Invariants
impurity_threshold >= 0.0
The variable importance mode. Default value: variable_importance_mode::none.
- Getter & Setter
variable_importance_mode get_variable_importance_mode() const
auto & set_variable_importance_mode(variable_importance_mode value)
The bootstrap mode, if true, the training set for a tree is a bootstrap of the whole training set, if False, the whole dataset is used to build each tree. Default value: true.
- Getter & Setter
bool get_bootstrap() const
auto & set_bootstrap(bool value)
The minimal number of observations in a bin. Used with method::hist split-finding method only. Default value: 5.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_min_bin_size() const
auto & set_min_bin_size(std::int64_t value)
- Invariants
min_bin_size > 0
The number of trees in the forest. Default value: 100.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_tree_count() const
auto & set_tree_count(std::int64_t value)
- Invariants
tree_count > 0
The min impurity decrease in a split node is a threshold for stopping the tree growth early. A node will be split if its impurity is above the threshold, otherwise it is a leaf. Default value: 0.0.
- Getter & Setter
double get_min_impurity_decrease_in_split_node() const
auto & set_min_impurity_decrease_in_split_node(double value)
- Invariants
The minimal number of observations in a leaf node. Default value: 1 for classification, 5 for regression.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_min_observations_in_leaf_node() const
auto & set_min_observations_in_leaf_node(std::int64_t value)
- Invariants
The voting mode. Used with task::classification only.
- Getter & Setter
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> voting_mode get_voting_mode() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> auto & set_voting_mode(voting_mode value)
The fraction of observations per tree. Default value: 1.0.
- Getter & Setter
double get_observations_per_tree_fraction() const
auto & set_observations_per_tree_fraction(double value)
- Invariants
observations_per_tree_fraction > 0.0
observations_per_tree_fraction <= 1.0
The infer mode. Used with task::classification only.
- Getter & Setter
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> infer_mode get_infer_mode() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> auto & set_infer_mode(infer_mode value)
The minimal number of observations in a split node. Default value: 2.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_min_observations_in_split_node() const
auto & set_min_observations_in_split_node(std::int64_t value)
- Invariants
The class count. Used with task::classification only. Default value: 2.
- Getter & Setter
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> std::int64_t get_class_count() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> auto & set_class_count(std::int64_t value)
The memory saving mode. Default value: false.
- Getter & Setter
bool get_memory_saving_mode() const
auto & set_memory_saving_mode(bool value)
The number of features to consider when looking for the best split for a node. Default value: task::classification ? sqrt(p) : p/3, where p is the total number of features.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_features_per_node() const
auto & set_features_per_node(std::int64_t value)
The min weight fraction in a leaf node. The minimum weighted fraction of the total sum of weights (of all input observations) required to be at a leaf node. Default value: 0.0.
- Getter & Setter
double get_min_weight_fraction_in_leaf_node() const
auto & set_min_weight_fraction_in_leaf_node(double value)
- Invariants
min_weight_fraction_in_leaf_node >= 0.0
min_weight_fraction_in_leaf_node <= 0.5
The maximal number of the leaf nodes. If 0, the number of leaf nodes is not limited. Default value: 0.
- Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_max_leaf_nodes() const
auto & set_max_leaf_nodes(std::int64_t value)
Method tags
Tag-type that denotes dense computational method.
Tag-type that denotes hist computational method.
Alias tag-type for dense computational method.
Task tags
Tag-type that parameterizes entities used for solving classification problem.
Tag-type that parameterizes entities used for solving regression problem.
Alias tag-type for classification task.
- Template Parameters
Task – Tag-type that specifies the type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::regression.
Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.
Public Methods
The number of trees in the forest.
The class count. Used with oneapi::dal::decision_forest::task::classification only.
template<typenameVisitor>voidtraverse_depth_first(std::int64_ttree_idx, Visitor&&visitor)const
Performs Depth First Traversal of i-th tree.
- Parameters
tree_idx – Index of the tree to traverse.
visitor – This functor gets notified when tree nodes are visited, via corresponding operators: bool operator()(const decision_forest::split_node_info<Task>&) bool operator()(const decision_forest::leaf_node_info<Task>&).
template<typenameVisitor>voidtraverse_breadth_first(std::int64_ttree_idx, Visitor&&visitor)const
Performs Breadth First Traversal of i-th tree.
- Parameters
tree_idx – Index of the tree to traverse.
visitor – This functor gets notified when tree nodes are visited, via corresponding operators: bool operator()(const decision_forest::split_node_info<Task>&) bool operator()(const decision_forest::leaf_node_info<Task>&).
Training train(...)
- Template Parameters
Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::regression.
train_input(consttable&data, consttable&responses, consttable&weights=table{})
Creates a new instance of the class with the given data, responses and weights property values.
The training set . Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_data() const
auto & set_data(const table &value)
The vector of weights for the training set . Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_weights() const
auto & set_weights(const table &value)
Vector of responses for the training set . Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_responses() const
auto & set_responses(const table &value)
Vector of labels for the training set . Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_labels() const
auto & set_labels(const table &value)
- Template Parameters
Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::regression.
Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.
A table containing cumulative out-of-bag error value. Computed when error_metric_mode set with error_metric_mode::out_of_bag_error. Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_oob_err() const
auto & set_oob_err(const table &value)
The trained Decision Forest model. Default value: model<Task>{}.
- Getter & Setter
const model< Task > & get_model() const
auto & set_model(const model< Task > &value)
A table containing variable importance value for each feature. Computed when variable_importance_mode!=variable_importance_mode::none. Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_var_importance() const
auto & set_var_importance(const table &value)
A table containing out-of-bag error value per observation. Computed when error_metric_mode set with error_metric_mode::out_of_bag_error_per_observation. Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_oob_err_per_observation() const
auto & set_oob_err_per_observation(const table &value)
template<typenameDescriptor>decision_forest::train_resulttrain(constDescriptor&desc, constdecision_forest::train_input&input)
- Parameters
desc – Decision Forest algorithm descriptor decision_forest::descriptor.
input – Input data for the training operation
- Preconditions
- == false
input.labels.is_empty == false
input.labels.column_count == 1 == input.labels.row_count
desc.get_bootstrap() == true || (desc.get_bootstrap() == false && desc.get_variable_importance_mode() != variable_importance_mode::mda_raw && desc.get_variable_importance_mode() != variable_importance_mode::mda_scaled)
desc.get_bootstrap() == true || (desc.get_bootstrap() == false && desc.get_error_metric_mode() == error_metric_mode::none)
Inference infer(...)
- Template Parameters
Task – Tag-type that specifies the type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::regression.
infer_input(constmodel<Task>&trained_model, consttable&data)
Creates a new instance of the class with the given model and data property values.
The dataset for inference . Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_data() const
auto & set_data(const table &value)
The trained Decision Forest model. Default value: model<Task>{}.
- Getter & Setter
const model< Task > & get_model() const
auto & set_model(const model< Task > &value)
- Template Parameters
Task – Tag-type that specifies the type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::regression.
Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.
The table with the predicted labels. Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_labels() const
auto & set_labels(const table &value)
A table with the predicted class probabilities for each observation.
- Getter & Setter
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> const table & get_probabilities() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> auto & set_probabilities(const table &value)
The table with the predicted responses. Default value: table{}.
- Getter & Setter
const table & get_responses() const
auto & set_responses(const table &value)
template<typenameDescriptor>decision_forest::infer_resultinfer(constDescriptor&desc, constdecision_forest::infer_input&input)
- Parameters
desc – Decision Forest algorithm descriptor decision_forest::descriptor.
input – Input data for the inference operation
- Preconditions
- == false