Run a Single Check
Instead of running multiple checks with one argument, you may want to run a single check to only show the status of one diagnostic check.
To run a check to find out which Intel GPUs are on this system, use the intel_gpu_detector_check argument:
python3 --filter intel_gpu_detector_check
You will see output similar to this:
The information in the output indicates that a GPU was present, but does not provide any more information about the GPU or how many GPUs are present. To get more information, use -v to activate verbose mode:
python3 --filter intel_gpu_detector_check -v
You will see output similar to this:
Verbosity can be customized to output different levels of details. To learn more, see Verbose Mode Options.
To see a full list of available checks, enter python3 --list in your terminal, or see List of Checks by Check Name.