Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-502E7178-EEAA-444D-A109-66B48C7C4B83
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-502E7178-EEAA-444D-A109-66B48C7C4B83
Other Preparations for Benchmarking
Window (IMB-EXT and IMB-RMA)
An Info is set and MPI_Win_create is called, creating a window of size X for MY_COMM.
For IMB-EXT, MPI_Win_fence is called to start an access epoch.
NOTE:IMB-RMA benchmarks do not require MPI_Win_fence since they use passive target communication mode.
File (IMB-IO)
To initialize the IMB-IO file, follow these steps:
Select a file name. This parameter is located in the IMB_settings_io.h include file. In the case of a multi-<MPI command>, a suffix _g<groupid> is appended to the name. If the file name is per process, a second event suffix _<rank> is appended.
Delete the file if it exists: open the file with MPI_MODE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE and close it. The file is deleted.
Select a communicator to open the file: MPI_COMM_SELF for S_benchmarks and P_[ACTION]_priv.
Select an info routine as explained below.
Intel(R) MPI Benchmarks uses an external function User_Set_Info which you implement for your local system. The default version is:
#include mpi.h void User_Set_Info ( MPI_Info* opt_info) #ifdef MPIIO {/* Set info for all MPI_File_open calls */ *opt_info = MPI_INFO_NULL; } #endif #ifdef EXT {/* Set info for all MPI_Win_create calls */ *opt_info = MPI_INFO_NULL; } #endif
The Intel(R) MPI Benchmarks has no assumptions or restrictions on the implementation of this routine.
View (IMB-IO)
The file view is determined by the following settings:
disp = 0,
datarep = native
etype, filetypeas defined in the IMB-IO Blocking Benchmarks section
info as defined in the “Info” section above