Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C9643C16-03C5-42D6-8118-2535DEFBE1A0
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C9643C16-03C5-42D6-8118-2535DEFBE1A0
Measuring Pure Communication Time
To measure pure execution time of nonblocking collective operations, use the _pure flavor of the IMB-NBC benchmarks. The benchmark methodology is consistent with the one used for regular collective operations:
Each rank performs the predefined amount of iterations and calculates the mean value.
The basic MPI data type for all messages is MPI_BYTE for pure data movement functions and MPI_FLOAT for reductions.
If the operation requires the root process to be specified, the root process is selected round-robin through iterations.
These benchmarks are not included into the default list of IMB-NBC benchmarks. To run a benchmark, specify the particular benchmark name or use the –include command-line parameter. For example:
$ mpirun -np 2 IMB-NBC Ialltoall_pure $ mpirun -np 2 IMB-NBC -include Iallgather_pure Ialltoall_pure
Displaying Results
Pure nonblocking collective benchmarks show bare timing values. Since execution time may vary for different ranks, three timing values are shown: maximum, minimum, and the average time among all the ranks participating in the benchmark measurements.
See Also
IMB-NBC Benchmarks
Measuring Communication and Computation Overlap
Command-Line Control