Tutorial: Image Blurring and Rotation with Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives

ID 751830
Date 7/15/2020

Building the Application

The ipp_blur_rotate.cpp sample code has been developed for Intel® IPP installed within Intel® Parallel Studio XE. You can use the provided code, except for the graphical rendering part, as a starting point for your application that can be built within other product suites like Intel® System Studio.

Setting Up the Build Environment

Before you invoke the compiler component of the suite that you installed with Intel® IPP, you must set certain environment variables that define the location of compiler-related components. The Intel® C++ Compiler includes the compilervars scripts that you can run to set environment variables:

  • On Windows*, you can find the compilervars.bat batch file at <install-dir>\compilers_and_libraries_<version>\windows\bin\
  • On Linux OS* and macOS*, you can find the compilervars.sh shell script at <install-dir>\compilers_and_libraries_<version>\<linux|mac>\bin\

For more information about setting environment variables for different product suites, refer to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/ipp/developer-guide-oneapi/current/setting-environment-variables.html.

Compile and Link Your Code

To compile and link the code examples in this tutorial, do the following:

  • On Windows*:
    1. Unzip the archive downloaded from the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives - Sample and Tutorial website.
    2. Run the Microsoft* Visual Studio* command prompt and change the directory to the Makefile location. By default, Makefile is located in the root of the archive.
    3. Run the nmake -f Makefile_win command.
  • On Linux* OS and macOS*:
    1. Unzip the archive downloaded from the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives - Sample and Tutorial website.
    2. Run the bash shell and change the directory to the Makefile location. By default, Makefile is located in the root of the archive.
    3. Run the make -f Makefile_lin command on Linux* OS and make -f Makefile_mac on macOS*.

To run the application, run the following command from the directory where Makefile resides:

  • On Windows*: ipp_blur_rotate.exe
  • On Linux*: ./ipp_blur_rotate
  • On macOS*: ./ipp_blur_rotate.app/Contents/MacOS/ipp_blur_rotate