Tutorial: Image Blurring and Rotation with Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives

ID 751830
Date 7/15/2020

Creating an Application for Image Blurring and Rotation

The code example below represents a simple application that loads an image from the BMP file, rotates and blurs it after user presses left/right or up/down arrow keys.

The source code for this application can be downloaded from the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives - Sample and Tutorial website.

/* C++ source code is found in ipp_blur_rotate.cpp */ #include "ipps.h" #include "ipp_blur_rotate.h" #include "bmpreader.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> char titleBuffer[256]; video *v; #if (defined unix || defined UNIX) #include <X11/keysym.h> #define VK_LEFT XK_Left #define VK_UP XK_Up #define VK_RIGHT XK_Right #define VK_DOWN XK_Down #define VK_ESCAPE XK_Escape #elif defined __APPLE__ #define VK_LEFT 0xf702 #define VK_UP 0xf700 #define VK_RIGHT 0xf703 #define VK_DOWN 0xf701 #define VK_ESCAPE 0x1B #endif IppStatus warpAffine(Ipp8u* pSrc, IppiSize srcSize, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, IppiSize dstSize, int dstStep, const double coeffs[2][3]) { /* IPP functions status */ IppStatus status = ippStsNoErr; /* number of image channels */ const Ipp32u numChannels = 3; /* border value to extend the source image */ Ipp64f pBorderValue[numChannels]; /* sizes for WarpAffine data structure, initialization buffer, work buffer */ int specSize = 0, initSize = 0, bufSize = 0; /* pointer to work buffer */ Ipp8u* pBuffer = NULL; /* pointer to WarpAffine data structure */ IppiWarpSpec* pSpec = NULL; /* set offset of the processing destination ROI */ IppiPoint dstOffset = {0, 0}; /* border type for affine transform */ IppiBorderType borderType = ippBorderConst; /* direction of warp affine transform */ IppiWarpDirection direction = ippWarpForward; /* set border value to extend the source image */ for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; ++i) pBorderValue[i] = 255.0; /* computed buffer sizes for warp affine data structure and initialization buffer */ status = ippiWarpAffineGetSize(srcSize, dstSize, ipp8u, coeffs, ippLinear, direction, borderType, &specSize, &initSize); /* allocate memory */ pSpec = (IppiWarpSpec*)ippsMalloc_8u(specSize); /* initialize data for affine transform */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = ippiWarpAffineLinearInit(srcSize, dstSize, ipp8u, coeffs, direction, numChannels, borderType, pBorderValue, 0, pSpec); /* get work buffer size */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = ippiWarpGetBufferSize(pSpec, dstSize, &bufSize); /* allocate memory for work buffer */ pBuffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufSize); /* affine transform processing */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = ippiWarpAffineLinear_8u_C3R(pSrc, srcStep, pDst, dstStep, dstOffset, dstSize, pSpec, pBuffer); /* free allocated memory */ ippsFree(pSpec); ippsFree(pBuffer); return status; } void ipp_blur_rotate::process(const drawing_memory &dm) { IppStatus status = ippStsNoErr; /* number of image channels */ int numChannels = 3; /* perform filtering */ if (bFilterUpdate) { /* temporary work buffer */ Ipp8u* pBuffer = NULL; /* buffer size for filtering */ int bufSize = 0; /* Get work buffer size */ status = ippiFilterBoxBorderGetBufferSize(srcSize,maskSize,ipp8u,3,&bufSize); /* allocate buffer memory */ pBuffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufSize); /* Image filtering */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = ippiFilterBoxBorder_8u_C3R(pSrc, srcStep, pBlur, blurStep, srcSize, maskSize, ippBorderRepl, NULL, pBuffer); /* filtration flag is dropped */ bFilterUpdate = false; /* rotation operation should be applied after filtration */ bRotateUpdate = true; /* free buffer memory */ ippsFree(pBuffer); } /* perform rotation */ if (bRotateUpdate) { IppiSize roiSize = {dstSize.width / 2, dstSize.height }; Ipp8u* pDstRoi = pBlurRot; IppiRect srcRoi = {0}; srcRoi.width = srcSize.width; srcRoi.height = srcSize.height; /* affine transform coefficients */ double coeffs[2][3] = {0}; /* affine transform bounds */ double bound[2][2] = {0}; /* compute affine transform coefficients by angle and x- and y-shifts */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = ippiGetRotateTransform(angle, 0, 0, coeffs); /* get bounds of transformed image */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = ippiGetAffineBound(srcRoi, bound, coeffs); /* fit source image to dst */ coeffs[0][2] = -bound[0][0] + (dstSize.width / 2.f - (bound[1][0] - bound[0][0])) / 2.f; coeffs[1][2] = -bound[0][1] + (dstSize.height - (bound[1][1] - bound[0][1])) / 2.f; /* perform affine processing for the blurred image */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = warpAffine(pBlur, srcSize, blurStep, pDstRoi, roiSize, blurRotStep, coeffs); /* set destination ROI for the not blurred image */ pDstRoi = pBlurRot + roiSize.width * numChannels; /* perform affine processing for the original image */ if (status >= ippStsNoErr) status = warpAffine(pSrc, srcSize, srcStep, pDstRoi, roiSize, blurRotStep, coeffs); /* rotation flag is dropped */ bRotateUpdate = false; /* needs to redraw the image */ bRedraw = true; } if (bRedraw) { drawing_area area( 0, 0, dstSize.width, dstSize.height, dm) ; /* pass information message to window's title */ #if defined _WIN32 sprintf_s(titleBuffer, sizeof(titleBuffer)/sizeof(titleBuffer[0]), "Intel(R) IPP: blur + rotate tutorial : rotation angle %.0f : box filter mask size {%d, %d}", angle - 360.0 * floor(angle / 360.0), maskSize.width, maskSize.height); #elif (defined unix || defined UNIX) sprintf(titleBuffer, "Intel(R) IPP: blur + rotate tutorial : rotation angle %.0f : box filter mask size {%d, %d}", angle - 360.0 * floor(angle / 360.0), maskSize.width, maskSize.height); #elif defined __APPLE__ sprintf(titleBuffer, "Intel(R) IPP: blur + rotate tutorial : rotation angle %.0f : box filter mask size {%d, %d}", angle - 360.0 * floor(angle / 360.0), maskSize.width, maskSize.height); #endif v->title = titleBuffer; v->show_title(); // fill the rendering area for (int y = 0; y < dstSize.height; ++y) { Ipp8u* dstt = pBlurRot + y * blurRotStep; area.set_pos( 0, y ); for (int x = 0, j = 0; x < dstSize.width; ++x, j += 3) { area.put_pixel( v->get_color(dstt[j+2], dstt[j+1], dstt[j]) ); } } bRedraw = false; } } /* Key processing */ void ipp_blur_rotate::onKey( int key ) { if (pSrc == NULL || pBlur ==NULL || pBlurRot == NULL) return; /* up or down arrow key is pressed */ if (key == VK_UP || key == VK_DOWN) { /* max size of mask for image blurring */ const IppiSize maxMaskSize = {31,31}; /* increase or decrease mask size on 2 depending on the key */ maskSize.width = (key == VK_DOWN) ? maskSize.width - 2 : maskSize.width + 2; maskSize.height = (key == VK_DOWN) ? maskSize.height - 2 : maskSize.height + 2; /* check that both mask width and mask height are positive */ if (maskSize.width < 1) maskSize.width = 1; if (maskSize.height < 1) maskSize.height = 1; /* check that both mask width and mask height are at more the maximum mask size */ if (maskSize.width > maxMaskSize.width) maskSize.width = maxMaskSize.width; if (maskSize.height > maxMaskSize.height) maskSize.height = maxMaskSize.height; /* filtration operation should be applied */ bFilterUpdate = true; } /* left or right arrow key is pressed */ if(key == VK_RIGHT || key == VK_LEFT) { /* increase or decrease angle on 2 depending on the key */ angle = (key == VK_LEFT) ? angle + 2 : angle - 2; /* rotation operation should be applied after filtration */ bRotateUpdate = true; } if (key == VK_ESCAPE) v->running = false; } bool ipp_blur_rotate::loadFileBMP( const char* bmpImageFile ) { /* check the pointer */ if (bmpImageFile == NULL) return false; /* number of image channels */ int numChannels = 0; /* Read data from a file (only bmp format is supported) */ Status status = ReadFile(bmpImageFile, &pSrc, srcSize, srcStep, numChannels); if (numChannels != 3) { status = STS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (status == STS_OK) { /* set blurred image step */ blurStep = srcStep; /* set rotated image size to keep whole rotated image */ dstSize.width = static_cast<int>(sqrt((float)srcSize.width * srcSize.width + srcSize.height * srcSize.height) + 0.5f) * 2; dstSize.height = static_cast<int>(sqrt((float)srcSize.width * srcSize.width + srcSize.height * srcSize.height) + 0.5f); /* set image step for blurred and rotated image */ blurRotStep = dstSize.width * numChannels; /* Memory allocation for the intermediate images */ pBlur = ippsMalloc_8u(srcStep * srcSize.height); /* Memory allocation for the intermediate images */ pBlurRot = ippsMalloc_8u(dstSize.width * numChannels * dstSize.height); maskSize.width = 3; maskSize.height = 3; bFilterUpdate = bRotateUpdate = bRedraw = true; return true; } return false; } ipp_blur_rotate::ipp_blur_rotate() : angle(0.0), pSrc(NULL), pBlur(NULL), pBlurRot(NULL), bFilterUpdate(false), bRotateUpdate(false), bRedraw(false) { dstSize.width = srcSize.width = 0; dstSize.height = srcSize.height = 0; } ipp_blur_rotate::~ipp_blur_rotate() { ippsFree(pSrc); ippsFree(pBlur); ippsFree(pBlurRot); }