Developer Guide and Reference for Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography

ID 790813
Date 11/07/2023

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Developer Guide and Reference for Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography

To see what is new with the latest release, see the Release Notes

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography (Intel® IPP Cryptography) is a software library that provides a comprehensive set of application domain-specific highly optimized functions for cryptography.

This publication, the Developer Guide and Reference for Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography, was previously known as two separate documents, Cryptography for Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Reference Manual and Cryptography for Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Developer Guide. Prior versions of these documents can be downloaded from Downloadable Documentation: Intel® oneAPI Toolkits and Components.

Starting with the 2021.9 release (Intel® oneAPI toolkit 2024.0 release), macOS* is no longer supported in Intel® oneAPI Toolkits and components.

Several Intel-led open source developer tool projects will continue supporting macOS on Apple* Silicon including oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) and Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler and we welcome the opportunity to work with contributors to expand support to additional tools in the future.

All macOS content will be removed from technical documentation in the 2024.1 release. If you need a copy of the documentation, click the Download button in the upper right or download it from the Downloadable Documentation site.

Intel® IPP Cryptography is an add-on library that offers Intel® IPP users a cross-platform and cross operating system application programming interface (API) for routines commonly used for cryptographic operations. Among other features, the library includes:

RSA Algorithm Functions

RSA Algorithm Functions implement the non-symmetric cryptography RSA algorithm. Subsections include reference for different encryption schemes and RSA system building functions.

Rijndael Functions

Rijndael Functions implement the symmetric iterated Rijndael block cipher with variable key and block sizes. The Rijndael cipher with 128 bit block size is also known as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher.

Mask Generation Functions

A Mask Generation Function takes a string of arbitrary length and deterministically outputs a pseudorandom string of desired length. Mask Generation Functions are used in different cryptographic algorithms, including some RSA encryption schemes.

AES-CCM Functions

AES-CCM Functions are an implementation of the Counter with Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code (CCM) mode of operation of the AES cipher.

AES-GCM Functions

AES-GCM Functions implement the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of operation of the AES block cipher. GCM is an authenticated encryption algorithm, which allows you to verify the integrity of encrypted data.

Security features