Resolve Issue
Intel® Inspector is a dynamic memory and threading error checking tool for users developing serial and multithreaded applications on Windows* and Linux* operating systems. This topic is part of a tutorial that shows how to find and fix memory errors using the Intel Inspector and a C++ sample application.
To fix the detected memory error:
Investigate the Issue
The commenting embedded in the find_and_fix_memory_errors.cpp sample file reveals the cause of the Mismatched allocation/deallocation problem: delete is the appropriate deallocation function, not free.
Access an Editor
Double-click the highlighted code in the Source tab to open the find_and_fix_memory_errors.cpp source file in an editor.
Change the Source Code
Comment free(drawing); and uncomment //delete drawing;.
Save your edits.
Click the result tab to return to the Sources window.
NOTE:The Sources window data is unchanged because it is a snapshot of the source code at the time of analysis.
Click the Summary button to redisplay the Summary window.