Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-F3A21E7F-91F4-4178-AA0E-00E07875D57D
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-F3A21E7F-91F4-4178-AA0E-00E07875D57D
Support Functions
There are several general purpose functions that simplify using the library and report information on how it is working:
GetCpuFeatures/ SetCpuFeatures/GetEnabledCpuFeatures
GetCpuFeatures/ SetCpuFeatures/GetEnabledCpuFeatures
In some cases like debugging and performance analysis, you may want to get the data on the difference between various processor-specific codes on the same machine. Use the ippcpSetCpuFeatures function for this. This function sets the dispatcher to use the processor-specific code according to the specified set of CPU features. You can obtain features supported by CPU using ippcpGetCpuFeatures and obtain features supported by the currently dispatched Intel® Cryptography Primitives Library code using ippcpGetEnabledCpuFeatures. If you need to enable support of some CPU features without querying the system (without using the CPUID instruction call), you must set the ippCPUID_NOCHECK bit for ippcpSetCpuFeatures, otherwise, only the features supported by the current CPU are set.
The ippcpGetCpuFeatures, ippcpGetEnabledCpuFeatures, and ippcpSetCpuFeatures functions are a part of the ippCP library.
The ippcpGetStatusString function decodes the numeric status return value of Intel® Cryptography Primitives Library functions and converts them to a human-readable text:
Ipp64u mask; status = ippcpGetCpuFeatures(&mask); if( status != ippStsNoErr ) { printf("ippcpGetCpuFeatures() Error:\n"); printf("%s\n", ippcpGetStatusString(status) ); return -1; }
The ippcpGetStatusString function is a part of the ippCP library.
The GetLibVersion function returns information about the library layer in use from the dispatcher. The code snippet below demonstrates the usage of the cryptoGetLibVersion:
const CryptoLibraryVersion* lib = cryptoGetLibVersion(); printf("%s %d.%d.%d\n", lib->name, lib->major, lib->minor, lib->patch); // or you can print the library version string printf("%s\n", lib->strVersion);