Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 12/16/2022

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Packed Compare Intrinsics

These Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel® SSE4) intrinsics perform packed comparisons. Some of these intrinsics could map to more than one instruction; the Intel® C++ Compiler selects the instruction to generate.

To use these intrinsics, include the immintrin.h file as follows:

#include <immintrin.h>

Intrinsic Name


Intel® SSE4 Instruction


Packed comparison, generates index



Packed comparison, generates mask



Packed comparison, generates index



Packed comparison, generates mask



Packed comparison



int _mm_cmpestri(__m128i src1, int len1, __m128i src2, int len2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with explicit lengths, generating an index and storing the result in ECX.


__m128i _mm_cmpestrm(__m128i src1, int len1, __m128i src2, int len2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with explicit lengths, generating a mask and storing the result in XMM0.


int _mm_cmpistri(__m128i src1, __m128i src2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with implicit lengths, generating an index and storing the result in ECX.


__m128i _mm_cmpistrm(__m128i src1, __m128i src2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with implicit lengths, generating a mask and storing the result in XMM0.


int _mm_cmpestrz(__m128i src1, int len1, __m128i src2, int len2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with explicit lengths. Returns '1' if ZFlag == 1, otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpestrc(__m128i src1, int len1, __m128i src2, int len2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with explicit lengths. Returns '1' if CFlag == 1, otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpestrs(__m128i src1, int len1, __m128i src2, int len2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with explicit lengths. Returns '1' if SFlag == 1, otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpestro(__m128i src1, int len1, __m128i src2, int len2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with explicit lengths. Returns '1' if OFlag == 1, otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpestra(__m128i src1, int len1, __m128i src2, int len2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with explicit lengths. Returns '1' if CFlag == 0 and ZFlag == 0, otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpistrz(__m128i src1, __m128i src2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with implicit lengths. Returns '1' if (ZFlag == 1), otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpistrc(__m128i src1, __m128i src2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with implicit lengths. Returns '1' if (CFlag == 1), otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpistrs(__m128i src1, __m128i src2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with implicit lengths. Returns '1' if (SFlag == 1), otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpistro(__m128i src1, __m128i src2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with implicit lengths. Returns '1' if (OFlag == 1), otherwise '0'.


int _mm_cmpistra(__m128i src1, __m128i src2, const int mode);

Performs a packed comparison of string data with implicit lengths. Returns '1' if (ZFlag == 0 and CFlag == 0), otherwise '0'.