Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 3/31/2023

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Open a Result as a Read-only File in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio* 2022, Intel Advisor provides lightweight integration. You can configure and compile your application and open the standalone Intel Advisor interface from the Visual Studio for further analysis. All your settings will be inherited by the standalone Intel Advisor project.

To open a previously collected result file as a read-only file when its corresponding Visual Studio* Solution is not open:

To Do This Do This

Open a result from the Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE.

Before opening the Solution, from the Microsoft Visual Studio* File menu:

  1. Choose Open > File.

  2. In the Open File dialog box, browse to and double-click the Intel® Advisor result file (file suffix .advixe). By default,Intel® Advisor results are saved in the ennn.advixe file in project name directory in the solution or project directory.

This action launches the Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE if it is not already open.

In Visual Studio* 2022, Intel Advisor provides lightweight integration. You can configure and compile your application and open the standalone Intel Advisor interface from the Visual Studio for further analysis. All your settings will be inherited by the standalone Intel Advisor project.

Open a result from the Windows* Explorer (or comparable) environment.

From the Windows* Explorer (or comparable) environment:

  1. Open the Windows* Explorer (or comparable) environment.

  2. Browse to and double-click the result. By default, Intel® Advisor results are saved in the ennn.advixe file in project name folder in the solution or project directory.


This action launches the Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE if it is not already open.

Verify that the result is open as a read-only file.

A result opened as a read-only file contains (read-only) after its result name.

View a specific report for the result

Each result contains several different reports. To view a specific report, click the button for the report you want to view, such as Survey Report, Suitability Report, or Dependencies Report.

When opening a result as a read-only file, you are only viewing the previously collected data as a read-only file. The following limitations apply:

  • The Annotation Report window does not contain any data. To view the Annotation Report, you need to open a result after opening its Solution.

  • The Suitability Report window shows data, but you cannot change the modeling parameters, such as the Target System or the Threading Model.

  • If you modify your sources or Intel® Advisor annotations, you need to open the solution to collect data and perform analysis (see Opening a Result) to update the result and view Annotation Report data.

See Also