Altera® University Program Teaching Materials
Specifically for use in university-level courses, this material includes tutorials, lab exercises, IP cores, example systems, and software, designed for the Terasic DE-Series boards.
These tutorials are intended for self-study by students. They cover FPGA boards, software tools (including the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software tools, the Nios® II, and ARM* processors), and other topics.
The Intel® FPGA Academic Program provides lab exercises for several university-level courses. As an aid for instructors, a complete solution for each lab exercise is available. Unformatted text versions of these exercises and the source files for the figures are also available.
Professors and Lecturers: Request Access to Lab Solutions
These examples of computer systems are designed for use on DE-series boards. They are based on the Nios II processor or the ARM* Cortex*-A9 processor and the Intel FPGA Academic Program intellectual property (IP) cores. These systems can be used to teach computer organization and embedded systems without requiring knowledge of hardware design.
The Intel FPGA University Program provides licenses for the complete suite of software tools required.
These project-based workshops contain basic exercises to design custom logic on Intel® FPGA technology.