ByteBlaster™ II, ByteBlasterMV™ & ByteBlaster Driver for Windows 2000
Product Discontinuance Notifications
Intel has discontinued the Quartus® II and MAX+PLUS® II Software. More details are available at Quartus® II and MAX+PLUS® II Software product discontinuance notifications and list of discontinued additional software.
You must install the ByteBlasterMV, ByteBlaster II, or ByteBlaster download cable driver before you can use them to program devices with the Quartus® II software or MAX+PLUS® II software. MAX+PLUS II software version 10.1 and later support Windows 2000.
Note: Beginning with version 10.0, the Quartus II software no longer supports Windows 2000. For operating system (OS) support information, refer to the Operating System Support page.
You must have system administration (Administrator) privileges to install the ByteBlaster II, ByteBlasterMV, or ByteBlaster download cable drivers.
Driver Installation
- Click on the Start menu, choose Settings, and click on Control Panel.
- Double-click the Add/Remove Hardware icon to start the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard and click Next to continue.
- Select the Add/Troubleshoot a Device radio button in the Choose a Hardware task panel, and click Next to continue. Windows 2000 will search for new plug-and-play hardware in the New Hardware Detection window.
- Select Add a New Device in the Choose a Hardware Device window, and click Next to continue.
- Select the No, I want to select the hardware from a list radio button in the Find New Hardware window, and click Next to continue.
- Select Sound, Video and Game Controllers in the Hardware Type window, and click Next to continue.
- Select Have Disk ... in the Select a Device Driver window.
- Browse to the win2000.inf file in the \drivers\win2000 directory of your Quartus II software or MAX+PLUS II software installation and click OK.
- Click Yes at the Digital Signature Not Found warning dialog box.
- Select Intel® FPGA ByteBlaster or Intel FPGA ByteBlaster II in the Select a Device Driver window, and click Next to continue.
- Click Next after the Start Hardware Installation window displays the hardware being installed.
- Click Yes at the Digital Signature Not Found warning dialog box.
- Click Finish in the Completing the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard window.
- Reboot the computer.
- Complete your installation by setting up programming hardware.