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Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Getting Started Guide

Content Type: Install & Setup   |   Article ID: 000100532   |   Last Reviewed: 02/14/2025


Intel® VROC for Windows*

This guide covers the process to install the Intel® VROC for Windows* driver which includes the Intel® VROC GUI application that allows a full integrated management of the drives installed in a Windows* system.

Installing the Intel® VROC Package for Windows*

Installing Intel® VROC can be accomplished by executing the installation executable following the below instructions.

Assumptions Made
  • Intel® VROC is being installed for the first time.
  • The Intel® VROC package for Windows* has been downloaded from the system vendor portal.
  • The Intel® VROC package to install corresponds to Intel® VROC 8.0 or higher. For Intel® VROC 7.x or lower, consult the system vendor documentation.
  1. Within the Intel® VROC package for Windows*, run the executable SetupVROC.exe as administrator to launch the installer.


    Example image 1
    Executable SetupVROC.exe
  2. The first window that will appear is the Welcome screen. Select Install to continue.


    Example image 2
    Welcome Screen
  3. The second window that will appear is a Warning screen. Read the message and select Next to continue.


    Example image 3
    Warning Screen
  4. Next is the End User License Agreement screen. Read the agreement and select Accept to accept and continue.


    Example image 4
    End User License Agreement Screen
  5. The next window is the Destination Folder screen. Select the option Next to install to the default folder, or press Change to choose another destination folder.


    Example image 5
    Destination Folder Screen
  6. The next window is the Confirmation screen. Press Install to install the selected components.
    • If the installer detects that a required package(s) is missing and the platform does not detect a network connection to automatically download and install, it will alert the user via a popup window that such required package is missing. You can opt to continue the installation, but the Intel® VROC GUI will not be available until the missing packages are installed.


    Example image 6
    Confirmation Screen
  7. The final window is the Completion screen. It is important at this point for the user to restart the system to complete the installation process. Select Restart Now to complete the installation process and reboot the system.


    Example image 7
    Completion Screen

Installing Required Microsoft* Components for the Intel® VROC GUI Application

Starting with Intel® VROC 8.0, the Intel® VROC GUI requires (at a minimum) the following packages be installed if the Windows* operating system installed does not already have them. The Intel® VROC installer will present a popup window with such details if it does not detect an installed version of either of these 2 components:

  • Microsoft Windows* Desktop Runtime – 6.0.3 (x64) 
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019* Redistributable (x64) – 14.24.28127.4

If the Intel® VROC installer detects a network connection, it will attempt to access, download, and install the missing components automatically. Once installed, you simply continue with the Intel® VROC installation process.

If the Intel® VROC installer does not detect a network connection, you will need to manually update these packages. You will know if this happens as you will be presented with the popup window shown below. You can download either of the packages from the Microsoft* portal onto a removable drive and use it to install manually onto the platform you are installing Intel® VROC on.

Example image 8
Missing Packages Popup Message


Opening the Intel® VROC GUI Application

Intel® VROC GUI With the release of Intel® VROC 8.0, the GUI application was also updated. The information mentioned here refers to this new Intel® VROC GUI available in Intel® VROC 8.0 or higher. If you are still using the legacy Intel® VROC GUI (Intel® VROC 7.x or lower), refer to your system vendor documentation for additional information.

Launch the Intel® VROC GUI by opening the Windows* Start menu and locating the application. Then click the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU option. You will need to select the option Run as Administrator to access the application and utilize the features. This includes use on the Administrator account. The Intel® VROC GUI will open the Home screen.

Learn about the Intel® VROC GUI functionality in Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Components.

Intel® VROC Upgrade Key

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