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Known Issues with the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) 9.1 Release for Windows*

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000100432   |   Last Reviewed: 01/30/2025


Intel® VROC for Windows*

The following information lists the known issues with the Intel® VROC 9.1 release for Windows*. To learn about the latest updates of Intel® VROC for Windows*, refer to the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Release Notes for Windows*.

Issue ID Description
14015389340 When using AtaPassThru protocol to get information on attached devices from the Intel® VROC Pre-OS, the value of GetNextTargetLun may not be successful.
15010088464 When the SATA controller is switched to RAID mode, SATA drive information will be displayed in the Intel® VROC SATA HII instead. So users can reference the device information in the Intel® VROC SATA HII.
15011986293 When booting the platform with a degraded Intel® VROC RAID 1 data volume, the Intel® VROC 8.0 Graphical User Interface (GUI) utility may not properly display the RAID volume.
15012192390 An Intel® VROC SATA HDD may have a problem unlocking after sending the 0xf2 command.
15013821671 The Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) utility did not show the rebuilding event as the disk is hot-plugged and inserted when a RAID member is only 100MB.
15014262993 Windows* Out-of-Band (OOB) cannot identify if pass/fail after patch successfully for disk set write cache on.
18012869559 The Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Command-Line Interface (CLI) utilities may not forbid performing operations that use self-encrypting drives in the locked state. Creating RAID volumes with locked members may result in a failed volume state.
18015334984 The warning message: Warning: The AHCI driver will be updated to the latest Microsoft AHCI driver in the system, does not occur when installing Intel® VROC in AHCI mode using the installer.
18016767645 Within the Intel® VROC SED Manager, a physical drive may appear twice.
18020541368 While within the Intel® VROC SED Manager, unencrypted drives that are unplugged and then selected to have a security key set up may experience a platform hang.
18022812016 When the operating system performs a TRIM command onto an Intel® VROC RAID 1 or RAID 10 volume comprised of drives that perform TRIM activities in different ways may encounter a data inconsistency on those areas that had been TRIMed.
18024185962 A RAID volume may become degraded after the initialization process completes, if two of the drives encounter a bad block condition in the same sector.
18027522818 Specific code rework done as we do not support creating volumes with legacy values anymore.
18029487344 Intel® VROC operating system interfaces (Windows* GUI & CLI, Linux* mdadm, Linux*/Windows* OOB) may not forbid performing operations that use self-encrypting drives in locked/foreign state. RAID volume operations with locked/foreign devices will be failed (such as RAID volume creation will be failed).
18030259585 State of drive resource for locked Opal* drives is enabled where it should be StandbyOffline in which the RAID volume rebuild may not be blocked and hot-inserted device detection may be failed.
18034442524 Unlocked Opal* drives are present alongside hot-plugged non-opal drives in the operating system, in which the RAID volume rebuild may not be blocked and hot-inserted device detection may fail.
18036343861 Creating a RAID volume on disks that contain data and non-existent OdataId may return an incorrect error or an invalid resolution message.
18036610422 OperationName may show an inconsistency between the RAID volume and the member drive under the rebuild operation.
18037125636 Intel® VROC operating system interfaces (Windows* GUI & CLI, Linux* mdadm, Linux*/Windows* OOB) may not forbid performing operations on hot-inserted self-encrypting drives in locked/foreign state. RAID volume hot-plug related operations with locked/foreign devices will be failed (such as RAID volume rebuild may not be blocked, hot-inserted device detection will be failed).
18037794909 The installation may unexpectedly start with the flag -ver and additional parameter during the Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) installation process.
18040635664 Certain platforms may not reboot as expected after product installation using the parameters -s -b during the Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) installation process.
18040663873 When exporting a disk list to CSV file within the Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) menu, title headers for certain columns may be missing.
18041258961 RAID volume may fail or become degraded after upgrading the Intel® VROC driver to Intel® VROC 9.0 or 9.1 from previous versions. 
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