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Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Processors Support List

Content Type: Compatibility   |   Article ID: 000099966   |   Last Reviewed: 02/18/2025


Intel® VROC

Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) is an enterprise RAID solution that unleashes the performance of NVMe* SSDs. Intel® VROC is enabled by a feature in Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors called the Intel® Volume Management Device (Intel® VMD), an integrated controller inside the CPU PCIe root complex. NVMe* SSDs are directly connected to the CPU, allowing the full performance potential of fast storage devices to be realized. Intel® VROC enables these benefits without the complexity, cost, and power consumption of traditional hardware RAID host bus adapter (HBA) cards placed between the drives and the CPU.

Intel® VROC has a hardware dependency on the Intel® Xeon® feature Intel® VMD. Therefore, Intel® VROC is only supported on CPUs with Intel® VMD technology. The below set of Intel® Xeon® processor families support Intel® VROC and Intel® VMD. Keep in mind the following considerations while navigating through the supported processors list below.

What you should know about the Intel® VROC supported processors
  • The below list identifies the processors that support Intel® VROC with Intel® VMD, but this functionality must be enabled by the OEM/ODM at the platform level. Just because a processor from one of these families is used does not guarantee that the platform supports Intel® VROC with Intel® VMD. Confirm the support with the platform provider.
  • All SKU levels on -SP include Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.
  • All SKU levels on -AP include Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Processor Family Description
Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
  • Includes -SP, -D, and -W
  • Intel® VMD 1.0 on all SKUs
2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
  • Includes -SP, -D, and -W
  • Intel® VMD 1.0 on all SKUs
3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
  • Includes -SP, -D, and -W
  • Intel® VMD 1.0 on 4S/8S (-H)
  • Intel® VMD 2.0 on all other SKUs
4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
  • Includes -SP, -W, -EE
  • Intel® VMD 3.0 on all SKUs
5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
  • Includes -SP, -W
  • Intel® VMD 3.0 on all SKUs
Intel® Xeon® 6 Processors
  • Includes SRF-SP/AP, GNR-SP/AP, GNR-W/-D/-E
  • Intel® VMD 4.0 on all SKUs

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