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Known Issues with the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) 7.5 Release for Windows*

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000099920   |   Last Reviewed: 03/03/2025

The following information lists the known issues with the Intel® VROC 7.5 release for Windows*. To learn about the latest updates of Intel® VROC for Windows*, refer to the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Release Notes for Windows*.

Issue ID Description
1307422217 Third-party vendor drives may have unknown usage in the Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) utility instead of passthrough when using the Intel SSD Only key.
1407347823 Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise (Intel® RSTe) RCfgRSTeRS.efi disk IDs may not be consistent with a RAID 5 volume created with journaling drive and the process may become unresponsive.
1508747791 Hot-removal of a matrix RAID member may result in a system failure.
1805900436 The Intel® VROC F6 drivers may not properly load, and a refresh may be required.
1808094827 The Intel® VROC (VMD NVMe* RAID) Pre-OS environment may only show 32 NVMe* drives in the Intel® VROC HII.
1808630874 When running the Intel® VROC installer, the system report may show the Intel® VROC (SATA RAID) version as the same as the Intel® VROC (VMD NVMe* RAID) version when in fact, it is different. The version obtained from the Windows* Device Manager is correct.
1808963497 RAID initialization may not be automatically performed when the Verify or Verify and Repair process is initiated by the Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility on an uninitialized volume.
1809400331 Intel® VROC rebuild on hot-insert may not work properly on a matrix RAID volume when one of the volumes is a RAID 0 volume.
14011446153 Exporting the output from the Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility to an .xml file may not work properly. This is a known limitation with this tool.
14013209937 The Intel® VROC bad block management process may take (3 to 4 times) longer than in previous versions.
18010956435 The output may not appear in the Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility after attempting to create a RAID 1 volume from two parts of a x8 drive.
18010986194 The Intel® VROC Pre-OS may not properly show a boot RAID volume as bootable after the RAID volume encounters a fail condition.
18011230044 The warning message: Warning: The AHCI driver will be updated to the latest Microsoft AHCI driver in the system, does not occur when installing Intel® VROC in AHCI mode using the installer.
18011385567 The rescan button of the Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) utility may not work properly.
18011468952 When using the Intel® VROC HII to create a RAID volume using drives with different attributes, the warning message may not be displayed.
18011469063 When using the Intel® VROC RCfg tool to create a RAID volume, the warning that all data will be lost may not be displayed. This is a known limitation with this tool.
18011483476 When using the Intel® VROC HII to create a RAID volume, the warning message that all data on the member disks will be lost may not be displayed.
18011530136 The Intel® VROC RCfg tool may not properly display the warning message when trying to rebuild a volume to a drive that is at least 10% bigger than the largest member drive.
18011842936 The Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) utility may not show the bootable volume status for the system RAID volume. This is a known limitation with the Intel® VROC GUI utility.
18012236043 The Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility may report a wrong error (REQUEST_FAILED: Request is formatted correctly but failed to execute.) when trying to remove a member drive from a system RAID volume.
18012255612 The Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility may return the wrong error message (INVALID_DEVICE: Request not formatted correctly, device does not exist.) when trying to rebuild a degraded RAID volume to a drive in an incompatible state.
18012842292 An incorrect error message (REQUEST_FAILED: Request is formatted correctly but failed to execute.) may be reported by the Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility when trying to perform a migration to an unsupported RAID level.
18013046256 Bad block logging during the Intel® VROC (SATA RAID) read patrol process may result in duplicate logs being seen. This is a known limitation with Intel® VROC.
18013439721 When running in a matrix RAID configuration (two RAID volumes in a single RAID array), the bad block management process may not properly detect bad blocks.
18013620134 When testing the Intel® VROC trial period, marking the system drive as a hot spare when creating an Intel® VROC (VMD NVMe* RAID) volume may result in a system crash.
18014127243 Performing an Intel® VROC (SATA RAID) RAID 5 RAID Write Hole (RWH) recovery on a degraded SATA RAID 5 volume may not complete successfully.
18014524336 When using the Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility to identify the attached devices on the SATA/sSATA controller, attached ATAPI devices may not be properly reported.
18014791546 Using the Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility to remove the metadata on all of the specified drives may not complete successfully on drives identified as unknown.
22011592946 The Intel® VROC (SATA RAID) Pre-OS health protocol may not properly report the driver/controller information.
22012124037 The SATA RAID volume status may not properly display in HII when the RAID volume is degraded with a spare drive configured.
22012232430 Using the IntelVROCCLi.exe tool with the -R option may not properly result in the RAID volume rebuild occurring.
22012267449 A RAID volume in rebuilding state may state Bootable: No in the Intel® VROC Graphical User Interface (GUI) utility properties.





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