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New Features Introduced with the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) 7.7 Release for Windows*

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000099902   |   Last Reviewed: 10/23/2024

The following information lists the new features introduced with the Intel® VROC 7.7 release for Windows*. To learn about the latest updates of Intel® VROC for Windows*, refer to the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Release Notes for Windows*.

Firmware Management Protocol Support

Intel® VROC 7.7 introduces limited support for the UEFI Firmware Management Protocol (FMP) as outlined in the UEFI specification version 2.9. The Intel® VROC UEFI drivers will provide support for updating the drive firmware (through UEFI FMP) when the drive is managed by Intel® VROC. This includes both Intel® VROC (VMD NVMe* RAID) and Intel® VROC (SATA RAID). The Intel® VROC UEFI driver has implemented a subset of protocol functions defined in the UEFI specification, which is reflected in the below table.

EFI Firmware Management Protocol Functions Intel® VROC UEFI Implementation
GetImageInfo Supported
SetImage Supported

The following diagram highlights the process flow to support both NVMe* and SATA drives.

Firmware Management Protocol Support Flow
UEFI Firmware Management Protocol Support Flow


The Intel® VROC 7.7 release introduces limited support for EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL commands to provide information on the SATA drives managed by Intel® VROC (SATA RAID).

Disable Locate LED within the Intel® VROC LED Management Interface

Intel® VROC provides support for the OEM/ODMs to disable the Locate LED functionality within the Intel® VROC LED management interface. By enabling the feature, the OEM/ODM can use their own tools to initiate a Locate LED functionality within their platform.



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