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Resolved Issues with the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) 8.5 Release for Windows*

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000099855   |   Last Reviewed: 10/17/2024

The following information lists the resolved issues with the Intel® VROC 8.5 release for Windows*. To learn about the latest updates of Intel® VROC for Windows*, refer to the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Release Notes for Windows*.

Issue ID Description
15014295238 The operation property may not show ongoing during the rebuild process.
15014373112 Some volume parameters provided during the volume creation may be considered mandatory when they should have been optional.
18031201791 The Intel® VROC Command-Line Interface (CLI) utility may return a wrong error message after the stripe size is changed in a RAID 0 volume.
18031659741 The placeholder may have had incorrectly stored information.
18032276087 The Windows* agent may not respond after sending a volume creation request with 16 characters.
18033689418 Data could be corrupted on a RAID 5 volume under specific conditions. This has been addressed in a technical advisory that can be provided by Intel.
18033850568 While adding a disk, it may not be added to the existing RAID 0 volume, and an internal error message may also be returned.
18033876218 The trial notification at the start of the trial period may display 0 days instead of 90 days.



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