What Is the Difference between WHQL and Non-WHQL Certified Graphics Drivers?
Content Type: Product Information & Documentation | Article ID: 000093158 | Last Reviewed: 09/04/2024
There are two types of drivers listed on the Download Center: drivers with and without a WHQL Certification. What are the differences between the two?
Drivers labeled as WHQL Certified have been thoroughly tested by Intel, have passed Windows Hardware Lab Kit testing on various platforms and configurations, and are signed by Microsoft as compatible with Windows* operating systems.
Drivers that do not have WHQL Certification are also thoroughly tested by Intel, are of the same functional quality as WHQL Certified drivers, and are signed by Microsoft. The key difference is that Non-WHQL drivers have not completed the full Windows Hardware Lab Kit testing prior to release. This is known as an attest-signed driver.