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Are There Any Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) Chemicals under TSCA Section 6(h) in Intel® Products?

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000089277   |   Last Reviewed: 11/14/2022


  • Unable to find Intel compliance with PBT substances
  • Which PBT substances are used in Intel products?


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued final rules on five PBT substances under TSCA Section 6(h). These five substances are:

  1. Decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE)
  2. Phenol, isopropylated phosphate (3:1) (PIP (3:1))
  3. 2,4,6-Tris(tert-butyl)phenol (2,4,6-TTBP)
  4. Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD)
  5. Pentachlorothiophenol (PCTP)

EPA initially planned to restrict the manufacture (including import), processing, and distribution of these five PBT substances and products containing them starting from March 8, 2021 (varied by substances). However, in response to concerns from the industry, the EPA agreed to re-examine the rules for PIP (3:1) and extended its compliance date until October 31, 2024.

To the best of our knowledge, none of these five PBT substances are used in Intel products placed on the US market after August 2021. 

Additional information

Intel aligns its Material Declaration Data Sheet (MDDS) with IEC 62474 standard. The IEC has included the substances that may be used in electrotechnical products (i.e. DecaBDE and PIP (3:1)) in the IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL).

To find the PIP (3:1) information in the MDDS, scan the declarable substances section using the name or Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registration number. As shown below, the False response to Above Compliance Threshold? indicates PIP (3:1) is not present in the product.

example image

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