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Device Manager Only Shows One Drive Listed (Intel® Optane™+477GBSSD)

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000088764   |   Last Reviewed: 12/09/2021


Only see one drive (for example, Intel Optane+477GBSSD) listed in Windows* system applications, such as Device Manager under Disk Drives.


No issue, acceleration is enabled properly.

  • The Intel® Optane™ memory H Series is a hybrid solution that contains Intel® Optane™ memory media and also Intel® QLC 3D NAND media on the same M.2 device. These will appear as one device when the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology driver and software are installed and enabled.
  • Open an Intel® Optane™ memory-capable application or the Intel® Memory and Storage Tool to see the individual media devices.