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When Signed Into "My Intel," There Are More Links to Entitlements and Features in "My Tools" Than Before

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000087327   |   Last Reviewed: 09/13/2021


There is more access to content, tools, and features than before.


You may notice some changes to your experience on between now and the end of 2021. That’s because we are working to simplify and unify the experience for developers when seeking documentation, resources, and product information.

To check for changes in My Tools, click the icon in the header to see your Intel Dashboard and Tools.

example image

  • During this time, your access to content will not be interrupted.
  • If you have pages bookmarked, redirects automatically flow to the new/updated pages.
  • Some developer areas of will have a fresh, new look and feel.
  • Your current fine-grain access to content and overall site functionality will not change in areas such as Resource & Design Center, Intel® Developer Zone, and Intel® FPGAs & SoC FPGAs.

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This article applies to 3 products.
Access & Entitlement for My Intel Users Developer Zone Resource and Documentation Center