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How to Find Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Information for Intel® Products

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000059787   |   Last Reviewed: 10/18/2023


Unable to find EPEAT-related information for my Intel product.


  • Refer to the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) website for specific EPEAT information.
  • Intel does not certify products to the EPEAT registry. Intel provides information to help customers certify the products themselves.
  • Intel products in scope are those that are consumer electronics (PCs, monitors, televisions, printers, servers) or parts that go into consumer electronics (CPUs, SSDs, wireless cards, and others).
  • For inquiries regarding other green procurement programs, such as TCO Certified, chemSHERPA, Blauer Engel (Blue Angel), and Eco Declaration, refer to the EPEAT information provided below.

Intel manufactures a wide range of products, from microprocessors, through embedded controllers, up to complete systems. Intel believes that developing energy-efficient products and reducing our environmental footprint is key to a sustainable future. Intel both supports and participates in the development of the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) standards and strives to meet the EPEAT needs of our customers and partners.

EPEAT conformance information is provided to customers in the format of a Dear Customer Letter (DCL). Intel provides this information for the purpose of aiding customers in their assessment of their EPEAT certification level. The letters are split up based on EPEAT standard/product category and the Intel part family. For example, one DCL may be on IEEE 1680.1 for CPUs and another may be on NSF 426 for SSDs.

To find the EPEAT DCL documentation for your Intel product follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Resource & Documentation Center homepage.
  2. Run a search for EPEAT to access the current DCLs.
    • For greenhouse gas emissions information related to NSF 426 criteria 6.3.1, search for the DCL titled NSF 426 2017 EPEAT DCL for F-GHG Criteria 6.3.1.

Additional information

Refer to Intel Dear Customer Letters for information relating to Intel products conformance to relevant sections of the EPEAT standards:

In addition to the Dear Customer Letters, information relating to EPEAT criteria can be found in the following locations:

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Quality, Regulatory & Ecology