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Scenarios for Using a Processor Swap Test to Help Isolate an Issue

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000057810   |   Last Reviewed: 09/27/2022


Applies for all Intel®️ Core™️ Boxed Desktop Processors.


  • Computer is not working at all.
  • Random Blue Screen of Dead (BSOD).
  • Processor operating at temperatures close to or above Tjunction (overheating).
  • Random system crashes.
  • Overall computer low performance.
  • Other less common issues (such as individual memory not working, PCI Express* (PCIe*) detection or performance issues, an others).


  • Scenario #1: The computer is tested using two identical processors (that is, same processor model number and spec code).

If the issue only follows one of the processors, this indicates that the other processor is the root cause of the issue. Contact Intel Support for assistance. 


  • Scenario #2: The computer is tested using two processors that have different processor model numbers.

In this scenario, the issue may only follow one of the processors. However, take notice that some motherboards may require a specific BIOS version to fully support the processor's model number and its respective spec codes.

Confirm first with your motherboard manufacturer to guarantee that both processors are fully compatible with the motherboard and BIOS version installed. Then, if the issue follows just one of the processors, you can isolate it as the root cause of the issue.


Some processors do not feature integrated graphics (usually they have the letter F in their CPU number).  When swapping the non-working processor that has integrated graphics with the one that has no integrated graphics (CPU number with F), make sure that you have a working video card when performing the swap.


  • Scenario #3: The processor is tested on a known working computer.

In this scenario, you must confirm that the BIOS version on all motherboards used for testing is fully compatible with the processor model number and its spec code. This is because an issue may only appear in one of the computers if there is a compatibility issue with one of the motherboards.

If all motherboards used for testing are confirmed to be fully compatible with the processor model number and its spec code, then the processor may be isolated as the root cause.


  • Scenario #4: All the other essential components (motherboard, power supply, memory, and video card if applicable) have been individually tested and confirmed to be operational except the processor.

In this scenario the processor may be isolated as the root cause of the issue. However, you must first confirm that the motherboard and its BIOS version installed is fully compatible with the processor and its respective spec codes.

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