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Error Codes 0xA008002A, 0xA008002B, or 0xA008002D or Messages - BIOS Settings or Compatibility with Intel® Optane™ Memory

Content Type: Error Messages   |   Article ID: 000056934   |   Last Reviewed: 04/13/2022


Operating System

Windows® 10, 64-bit*


One of the following Error Codes or Messages was received when managing an Intel® Optane™ memory device: 0xA008002A, 0xA008002B, 0xA008002D


Error Enabling Intel® Optane™ Memory
System BIOS is set in Legacy Mode.
Contact your BIOS vendor for the latest version and support


Unsupported System Drive 


Unsupported System BIOS


Your BIOS does not support Intel® Optane™ Memory or the BIOS settings are not correct



  • Confirm your system has the proper capabilities (Intel Optane memory-capable) in the BIOS to support Intel Optane memory with your BIOS/Platform vendor.
  • If the platform is Intel Optane memory-capable, make sure that the latest BIOS is installed.
  • Make sure that the SATA controller is still set to Intel® RST Premium...
    NoteThis setting cannot be changed manually with the Operating System installed. See the User and Installation guide for more details on the proper way to update this setting if needed
  • Confirm that Remapping is enabled after the update (full configuration details).
    NoteRemapping should be Enabled for Intel® Optane™ memory M series only. Intel® Optane™ memory H series products require remapping to be disabled.
  • UEFI is required for Intel® Optane™ memory support. If the Boot mode in the BIOS is set to Legacy, or CSM enabled, enabling system acceleration will not work. When an operating system installation occurs while in Legacy mode the partition structure is MBR, which is not supported. A GPT partition structure is required, which is created when the operating system is installed when in UEFI mode.
  • Convert the MBR structure to GPT by following the steps here: Converting a Data SSD or SSD with Windows® Installation from Legacy to UEFI without Data Loss.

Additional information

If the error persists or any additional help is needed, contact support under Memory and Storage.