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Information about Shipping Intel® NUC Laptop Kit Batteries

Content Type: Warranty & RMA   |   Article ID: 000056526   |   Last Reviewed: 03/03/2025

Lithium-ion batteries and products that contain them are strictly regulated under applicable international and local transportation regulations. As such, they require proper packaging, labeling, documentation, etc. for transport. Trained Individuals and/or a Certified Hazardous Material Transportation Provider must be used in order to ship Lithium batteries.

Risk of fire or burn - Do not remove Lithium-ion battery packs from the Intel® NUC Laptop Kit.

If there are no signs of physical damage or exothermic event, you can ship the Intel® NUC Laptop Kit with integrated battery back. Examples of these would include a bulging case or battery electrolyte, or signs of smoke residue or carbonization. Use approved packaging and proper labeling. Before packaging for shipment, turn on the product to allow battery to discharge as low as possible.

If the product case is bulging or an exothermic event has occurred, contact your internal hazardous materials representative immediately or your Certified Hazardous Material Transportation Provider for necessary actions and notify your Intel customer quality contact.

Note Damaged batteries are considered hazardous cargo and require special handling and packaging.

If these procedures are not followed, you could be subject to severe fines and penalties.

View more information on Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations. This website is not a substitute for proper training.

Guidelines for shipping lithium-ion batteries by air
  • If a Lithium Battery Mark is required for your shipment, you must use the contact info for the party who owns the shipment.
  • If a Lithium Battery Mark is required and you are paying for shipment, use your own Pre-Printed Contact Number if applicable.
  • If Intel is paying for the shipment, contact Intel Customer Support.
  • Make sure to cover any previous labels and marks that aren't pertinent to this shipment.

For guidance on whether your shipment needs a Lithium Battery Mark, contact your internal hazardous materials representative immediately or your Certified Hazardous Material Transportation Provider.

Note The Lithium Battery Mark label must have the following properties:
  • Black on white or suitable contrasting background
  • The hatching must be red, and the minimum width of the hatching must be 5 mm
  • The minimum dimensions are 120 mm wide x 110 mm high

  • This website is not a substitute for proper training.
  • Intel does not provide packaging for this product. Contact your internal hazardous materials representative or your Certified Hazardous Material Transportation Provider for guidance.

If your shipment is a ground shipment, follow the applicable transport rules and regulations.