How to use IPMI Commands to Reset Password and Username on BMC for Intel® Server Boards





IPMI commands to reset a password

  1. The command below can be used to list the BMC user id's.
    # ipmitool user list 1

    example image

  2. For example, if you want to reset the password of root, the userid of root is 2.
    # ipmitool user set password 2 password@123

IPMI commands to create a new user name

  1. The following commands can be used to create a new user and set a password:
    # Ipmitool user set name "user id" "username"

    for example: #ipmitool user set name 3 test

  2. Now set the password using the command below:
    #ipmitool user set password 3 password@123
  3. Enable a newly created user:
    #ipmitool user enable 3
  4. Set user privileges. In this case, we will set administrator privileges:
    # Ipmitool channel setaccess channelNO. userID callin=on ipmi=on link=on privilege=4

    Below are the privilege levels that can be set for the user.
    Privilege levels:

    • 0x1 - Callback
    • 0x2 - User
    • 0x3 - Operator
    • 0x4 - Administrator
    • 0x5 - OEM Proprietary
    • 0xF - No Access

    #ipmitool channel setaccess 1 3 callin=on ipmi=on link=on privilege=4

    The user list command output below indicates new user test with administrator privileges.

    [root@localhost ~]# ipmitool user list 1

    ID Name Callin Link Auth IPMI Msg Channel Priv Limit
    1   false false true ADMINISTRATOR
    2 root false true true ADMINISTRATOR
    3 test true true true ADMINISTRATOR

    Intel® Server's Integrated Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) can be accessed by standard, off-the-shelf terminal, open-sourced, or terminal emulator utilities. One example is the IPMIUtility that allows access to sensor status information and power control. Customers own the risk of using open-source utilities. Intel has no control on these utilities and cannot guarantee any fix with these utilities.

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Intel® Server Boards and Server Platforms: Server Management Guide