Need to check compatibility of Intel® Optane™ Memory in a laptop model.
There are two different products that include Intel® Optane™ memory media. They each have slightly different requirements for compatibility and are referenced below.
Motherboards and systems that contain the proper hardware/software support will be listed as Intel® Optane Memory Ready.
Intel® Optane™ Memory Ready platforms contain the proper support in the BIOS and the proper hardware for the module. This can be checked by reviewing the product specifications from your system/board manufacturer's website, or by contacting them directly.
Note | For specific laptop compatibility, work with your laptop vendor. A system BIOS update may be necessary to support system acceleration. |
The Intel® Optane™ memory H series can only be used in systems with the proper system BIOS capable of recognizing both halves of the device:
Each half will be detected as an individual PCIe* x2 device. These devices can be combined, or "paired", into a single volume using the Intel® RST driver and applications.
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