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What Should Be Done When the Clock Speed is Downgraded and the Processor Utilization is Very High?

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000025682   |   Last Reviewed: 07/22/2021


The troubleshooting steps apply for the following processors: I7 7700HQ G4560


While running a program application, the clock rate drops and the CPU (Central Processing Unit) utilization bursts to 100 percent. I ran the Intel® PDT (Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool) test and it passed.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Reset system to factory default.
  2. Re-install the operating system.
NoteYou may need to contact your computer/system manufacturer for the detailed steps on how to reset or reinstall the operating system, as steps to perform these may differ from system to system.

Additional information

The purpose of the Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool is to verify the functionality of an Intel® Microprocessor. The diagnostic tool checks for brand identification, verifies the processor operating frequency, tests specific processor features, and performs a stress test on the processor.

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