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General Q&A for Intel® Rapid Start Technology

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000024078   |   Last Reviewed: 02/14/2025

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What is the benefit of Intel® Rapid Start Technology?

Intel® Rapid Start Technology provides minimal battery life drain when your system is in standby (sometimes called "Sleep") while still enabling you to resume very quickly when you wake the system back up to use it. It provides a great combination of battery life and quick resume response.

How does Intel Rapid Start Technology work?

How Intel® Rapid Start Technology works is dependent on PC manufacturer implementation. Typically a system enters the Intel Rapid Start Technology deep sleep state after a time in the normal Sleep mode provided in Windows*. For example, when using the recommended setting, the system transitions to Intel Rapid Start Technology after 60 minutes in Sleep. After the system has transitioned to the Intel Rapid Start Technology lower-power state, which saves battery life, it remains there until the user returns to the PC and resumes the system.

What should I know if I am rolling out Intel® Rapid Start Technology in my business environment?

For information about enabling this technology in business environments, refer to the enabling document provided at Intel Responsiveness Technologies for business.

How do I reinstall this technology if I have re-imaged my system or replaced my drive?

For detailed information about enabling this technology after re-imaging or installing a new disk, refer to the enabling document provided at Intel Responsiveness Technologies for business.

How does disabling Intel Rapid Start Technology affect my battery life?

It will depend on how you choose to suspend your system. If you place your system to Sleep without Intel® Rapid Start Technology running, you will notice that more battery will be consumed while in the Sleep state. If you choose Hibernate, you should not notice any battery life difference. However, the system will most likely take longer to resume.

How can I reach Intel Customer Support?

Intel® Rapid Start Technology requires a select Intel® processor, Intel® software and BIOS update, and a solid-state drive (SSD) or Hybrid drive. Depending on system configuration, your results may vary. Contact your system manufacturer for more information.


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