Age of Empires III* Runs with Low Frame Rates
Content Type: Maintenance & Performance | Article ID: 000007031 | Last Reviewed: 02/20/2025
The Age of Empires III* game can run with low frame rates (FPS or frames per second).
To work around this issue on platforms with the Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset family, set the Shader Quality setting in the game to Medium or Low.
On platforms with the Intel® G965 Express Chipset or the Mobile Intel® GM965 Express Chipset, you can resolve this issue by using the recommended game setting values listed below with the latest version of the Intel® graphics driver.
Based on extensive testing, Intel suggests using the following game setting values for an optimal experience on this game:
Display Settings
Shader Settings
Detail Settings
Texture Settings
See the driver README file for detailed driver installation instructions.