Frequently Asked Questions for Blu-ray Disk Playback with Intel® Graphics
Content Type: Product Information & Documentation | Article ID: 000006968 | Last Reviewed: 02/20/2025
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Note | 1 The Intel G31, G33, G35, and G965 Express Chipsets and the Mobile Intel GL960 and GM965 Express Chipsets only support software-accelerated decode of Blu-ray disc content. Software acceleration means the decoding of the content is performed by the processor. |
If you have an Intel Desktop Board, the latest driver that has been validated with your board can be downloaded from the Intel Download Center.
To see if a newer generic graphics driver is available for your computer, visit the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant. If this utility finds that a customized driver is installed, see the page customized computer manufacturer graphics driver is detected for additional information.
If you see a PAVP setting in the System BIOS, then verify that PAVP-Lite is selected. If you do not see a PAVP setting, refer to the Why do I not have an option to select a PAVP mode or disable PAVP? question on this page.