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Older Intel® Graphics Controllers and Windows Vista*

Content Type: Compatibility   |   Article ID: 000005586   |   Last Reviewed: 02/20/2025

How can I find a Windows Vista* driver compatible with an older Intel® graphics controller?
Windows Vista* supports two different graphics driver models: the Windows* display driver model (WDDM) and the Windows XP* driver model (XPDM or XDDM). WDDM drivers offer a 3D graphical user interface experience to users. The XPDM driver interface visually resembles the Windows XP user interface but does not support Windows Vista premium features like the Microsoft Aero* user interface.

Only XPDM drivers** are available for the following older Intel® graphics controllers:

  • Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset family
  • Intel® 82915G/82910GL Express Chipset family
  • Intel® 82865G Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82852/82855 Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82845G Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82815 Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82810 Graphics Controller
Note Intel has only tested XPDM graphics drivers on Windows Vista for the following integrated graphics controllers: Intel 82865 Graphics Controller, Intel 82915G/82910GL Express Chipset family, and the Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset family.

If you have the Intel® 940, 943, 945, 963, 965, 3 Series, or 4 Series Express Chipset, see Windows Vista support FAQ.


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Does Intel offer WDDM graphics drivers for older graphics controllers?
WDDM graphics drivers are not available because of hardware limitations in the older Intel® graphics controllers. The design of the older graphics controllers finalized before Microsoft released details and specifications on WDDM drivers along with the Aero user interface. This action resulted in hardware limitations for the graphics performance and memory capabilities when attempting to run a WDDM driver on Windows Vista OS with these older graphics controllers.

Intel addressed these hardware limitations in the integrated graphics controllers of the desktop and mobile Intel® 945 Express Chipset families. WDDM graphics drivers are available beginning with the Intel 945G/GM Express chipset families.


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How do I get XPDM drivers for my Intel® graphics controller?
Intel recommends contacting your computer or motherboard manufacturer for available XPDM drivers that can be used with your computer or motherboard on Windows Vista*. Intel offers generic versions of the software and drivers; but, your computer manufacturer might have altered the features, incorporated customizations, or made other changes.

Intel generic versions of the XPDM drivers are available on the Intel Download Center. These drivers are listed under the Intel graphics controller product and the Windows XP operating system.


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Will Intel release new XPDM drivers for these older graphics controllers?

Intel is not planning to release new XPDM drivers for the following older Intel® graphics controllers:

  • Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset family
  • Intel® 82915G/82910GL Express Chipset family
  • Intel® 82865G Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82852/82855 Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82845G Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82815 Graphics Controller
  • Intel® 82810 Graphics Controller

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