Truth Table/Functionality
Read Operations |
addr[] |
di[] |
nread |
nbusy |
Function |
valid byte |
don't care |
falling edge |
1 -> 0 |
Reads data from the address indicated by the addr[] port and shifts the data to the do[] port. You must wait until the data_valid signal goes high before attempting to get the data value from the do[] port. The nbusy signal is low while the altufm_parallel Intel® FPGA IP reads the instruction and goes high once the altufm_parallel Intel® FPGA IP completes the read instruction and data is valid on the do[] port. Before adding another instruction, wait until the nbusy signal goes high. |
don't care |
don't care |
rising edge/constant |
don't care |
No change. |
Write Operations |
addr[] |
di[] |
nwrite |
nbusy |
Function |
valid byte |
valid byte |
falling edge |
1 -> 0 |
Programs the di[] port value into the memory location pointed to by the addr[] port. The nbusy signal remains low while the altufm_parallel Intel® FPGA IP performs the write operation. Before adding another instruction, wait until the nbusy signal goes high. |
don't care |
don't care |
rising edge/constant |
don't care |
No change. |
Erase Operations |
addr[] |
nerase[] |
nbusy |
Function |
valid byte |
falling edge |
1 -> 0 |
Erases the memory sector indicated by the MSB of the addr[] port. A MSB with a value of 0 means that sector 0 is erased. A MSB with a value of 1 means that sector 1 is erased. The nbusy signal remains low while the UFM sector is erased. Before adding another instruction, wait until the nbusy signal goes high. |
don't care |
rising or constant |
don't care |
No change. |